Explore Our Digital Marketing Solutions

Marketing definition

Marketing focuses on the fundamental practices that every company has to carry out–identifying customers, researching their needs and preferences, analysing factors that influence their purchasing decisions and encouraging them to buy products and services from you rather than a competitor.

Digital Marketing is no different. But it has the advantage of real-time analysis, measurement and ROI



    Marketing Action Plan

    Your MAP is a strategic plan that is coordinated, considered and realistic. Making the most effective use of your resources and budgets

    This is our three-step approach:

    1. Marketing audit
    2. Creating the plan
    3. Implement, review & refine

    Marketing Audit

    We undertake a confidential Marketing Audit to evaluate the effectiveness of your current marketing activities and how you measure up against your key competitors.

    • SWOT
    • Competitor Analysis
    • Website analysis
    • Advertising
    • Social Media activities
    • Market info & trends
    • Resources & Budgets

    Creating the Plan

    From the audit results we will now use the findings to produce the  Marketing Action Plan.

    These are the core sections covered

    • Aims and Goals
    • Target audience
    • Key Competition
    • USP & Value Propositions
    • Marketing Channels
    • Internal Collaboration
    • Budgets
    • Timescales & Responsibilities

    Implement, Review & Refine

    Depending on the client requirements, the Venta team can support or drive the implementation of the MAP.

    Monthly meetings can then held (Zoom or onsite) to review the results achieved and refine actions.

    We will also provide support to your staff involved with any of the marketing elements.